The Daily Decisions and Choices You Make Have Physical Implication on Your Health By Andrew

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Physical implications

Evidence from over 35 years research of is that, as you think and learn and stimulate your brain you build a lot of the strong dark memories in your brain and that’s excellent as the more of these strong memories you have in your brain, the more efficient your brain becomes. The more you develop nice thick stabilized branches, the more you are becoming intelligent.

That strong memory could be a good memory of information that you can use to enhance your life. It can also be a bad toxic memory, which is a stronghold in your mind. If you meditate on toxic thoughts, toxic memories are physically built into the nerve networks in your brain.

Read: Thoughts Results In Building Memories Whether Good Or Bad

Physical Implications of health
Physical Implications of health

If the thoughts are positive and godly, your hypothalamus will cause the production of chemicals to facilitate the feeling of peace and the rest of the brain will be producing the correct formula of neurotransmitters for clear thinking and building of healthy, intelligent memories. The corresponding physical reaction through the mind-body connection produces health and prevents disease.

If the mind is dominated by toxic thoughts such as fear, anxiety, worry, rage, anger, bitterness, resentment, self-hatred, unforgiveness, etc, your hypothalamus will respond by producing either insufficient or excessive quantities of certain chemicals which then become toxic and harmful.

The decision that you make now will definitely have physical implication on all your activities.

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This alters the structure of the memories that are built in the cortex. The memories are toxic and the corresponding physical reaction through the mind-body connection leads to the development of the disease. Information from the external world comes into your mind through your five senses which are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.

Your five senses are the contact between the external world and the internal world of the mind. Information from your senses comes in, for example, through your eyes and ears as light waves and sound waves. These waves are then converted into an electrical current, which travels along the nerves in your brain.

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This electrical current is the thoughts and images in your mind. We think of our mind and thoughts as something ‘out there but your thoughts are physically in the brain in the form of millions of chemical reactions and electrical current that travels along the nerves in your brain. The mind is physically in the brain.

Once information enters your brain in the form of an electric current, it travels through various areas until it reaches your free will. Science has discovered an actual physical structure in the brain that’s your free will. It’s in front of your Corpus Callosum, a sausage-shaped area of your brain used to think, meditate, and analyze information.

Free will is where you decide to accept or reject thoughts. For example, say you’re a man who struggles with lust. You see a good-looking woman and the information comes in through your eyes as light waves that are then converted into an electrical current in the nerves of your brain. The information is now in the form of thought.

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Your free will now has a choice; is it going to allow your brain to meditate on a lustful thought of that woman or is your free will going to reject it? If you decide of your free will to reject that thought before you meditate or think about it, that information will literally become hot air.

thoughts and its physical implications

Therefore that thought does not penetrate your mind any further. The Corpus callosum is activated under the direction of your free will. If you decide the free will to accept the lustful thought and meditate on it, immediately your corpus callosum will shift into high gear and start to think and fantasize about the woman. As it is meditating on these thoughts, chemicals carrying this information shoot into the trees of the mind which are situated in the cortex of your brain and you begin to build memory. Remember you build memory by growing branches on the nerves and has physical implication.

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Therefore while you’re meditating on lustful thoughts and fantasizing about that woman, you’re building a memory or a tree of lust in your brain via the process called protein synthesis. The more you meditate on that thought, the more branches you’ll grow on that tree of lust, and the stronger that memory will become. You build good memories with the same process.

For example, if you sit to study the Word of God, the information coming through your eyes (if you read the Bible) or your ears (if you’re listening to a sermon) enters your brain in the form of light and sound waves that are converted into electrical current in the nerves of your brain. That information is now in the form of a thought.

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When that thought reaches your free will, you decide whether or not you are going to meditate on that thought. If you’re feeling lazy and don’t feel like putting in the effort to think about that thought from the Word of God, you can decide your free will to reject that thought, which will then become hot air. If you decide the free will to entertain that thought from the Word of God, corpus callosum shifts into high gear and you’ll begin to meditate on that thought. While you are meditating on the Word of God, chemicals carrying that information shoot into the cortex of your brain and you begin to build memory through the process of protein synthesis.





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