The 5 Love Secrets Every Man Should Know

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The 5 Love Secrets Every Man Should Know

love secrets

I have been thinking about love since childhood. And I know you also yearn to have the best of love in your life? Until you understand that the word love differs from marriage, you will always think love will come when you marry. I feel proud attending weddings.  I watch movies of love thinking it will help me with a similar as in the movie.

I remember a movie titled “the map of tiny perfect things” where two teenagers live the same day repeatedly to be able to create a titular map. I got stacked watching that movie thinking about love always. It sounds real but the love secrets differ. It has its own ways of meaning and understandings.

Marriages are failing worldwide than expected because couples create unrealistic expectations in their mind that fuel the failures we are encountering. Love goes with love than the word spoken. It needs understanding from parties, tolerance, acceptance of faults, forgiveness, not always right, and ignoring the societal view of love.

I know we read books about love, we watch love movies, we pretend to love, but who tells you the love secrets to sustain it? In this article, we will all discuss the love secrets and apply the useful ones in our daily lives. Read related: Signs that she loves you but is afraid to express her feelings.

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1. Refrain from Blame Game

Selfishness starts when we blame others for the cause of our problems. To succeed in the journey of love, accept responsibilities, embrace changes, and work towards what can make your relationship work. No one is perfect so accept who your partner is.

Yes, we cannot deny criticisms but we must criticize constructively.  We must accept accountability for our actions. No one bears the iniquities of the other. Love is not only what we hear or speak but what we do at every moment.

Your husband may be a drunkard, so what support are you given to help him out? Your wife has bad habits so what do you put in place to help her change? Avoid blaming one another since we are each other’s keepers.

If we fail to accept responsibility for which we are, then we should not expect any marriage counselor on earth to keep our marriage together. Criticizing our partner only cannot change anything. Blaming your partner for any emotional pains cannot solve our relationship problems. Sit up and work for everlasting expected love.

2. Apologize for your wrongs

Apologizing will not make you weak. It doesn’t change who you are in a relationship. It rather helps you earn more respect and improves integrity in marriage. Go ahead and say am sorry. It will bring all the arguments or misunderstandings down.

Bring down your ego and accepts what went wrong. Every person makes mistakes despite good intentions. I remember leaving home one day without informing my wife where I was going. In an hour’s time, I came back to realize she was weeping because I didn’t show her much respect. I quickly accepted my fault and apologized.

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To be loved is to show love. You have to accept your mistakes and let your partner understand. The truth in this is that love makes room for mistakes and sadness.

3. Accept No Perfection in Life

You must understand that you’re going into a relationship to make each other happy. There is no perfect woman there or perfect man there. Stop looking up for the perfect person, since perfection only exists as a word.

Some people feel that their parents broke up because they met the wrong partner so they are only searching for the perfect man or woman. Dear, you are perfect on your own. To accept this as love secrets others ignore.

4. Love Stays forever

There is a difference between lust and love. Lust fades but love stays forever. People are deceived into lust thinking it’s love. It flies in just a few days after getting to be together.

Those who follow their eyes because of lust will never take you far after getting what they want. Until one is able to separate what love is meant, the two will be intertwined. Love is seeing beyond what others see and loving them with the qualities they possess. Lust evaporates. Lust cannot stand the test of time. If you want to know whether you’re loved or not study the behavior of your partner for some time.

5. Love is Not a Movie

A movie depicts the real character of what happens in our daily lives. Movies are not actually real at all times they can be fictional. Love is unpredictable so we don’t expect you to predict the outcome of your love. What I know is that we harvest what we planted. Starting a relationship with good habits results in a good outcome.

See also  10 Things to Consider When You Love Someone

Measure yourselves and move according to your means. Don’t be a movie player where you would want to impress your viewers.





By SuccessEra

Focus on putting smiles on the faces of the masses with thrilling and accurate information.

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