The Myths About Loosing Your Belly Fat by Andrew

LESSONS FROM THE THERAPIST THE MYTHS ABOUT LOSING YOUR BELLY FAT Until recently, the nutrition and exercise communities had very firm ideas about losing belly fat that went back decades and seemed set in stone. It was considered a scientific fact that the only way to lose belly fat was to stick to a very…

10 Health And Fitness Tips For Women to Practice

10 Health And Fitness Tips For Women to Practice This is the most reliable health and fitness tips for women who have no time to do certain things to boost their health. No worry at all just tries to know how to keep reading ill the last point. Coping with the pressure of satisfying societal…

You Are Not Doomed To Your Genetics By Andrew

LESSONS FROM THE THERAPIST Today’s Lesson: You Are Not Doomed To Your Genetics. They Can Be Changed With The Right Thoughts. If you have been told that you are doomed by your genetics to repeat the patterns in your family, you’re a victim who is controlled by your genes and biology or you cannot transcend…