The Powerful 5Cs Of Positive Youth Development (Lisa’s framework)

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10 Wonderful Habits of Most Successful people

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How  We Need To Tighten  Up,

During hard times,

Hard Times are just temporal
Don’t give up

People should step up:

People of the highest caliber,

People with expertise,

People who work exceptionally hard,

People who are driven,

Compassionate people,

People who have serving skills,

People who have exceptional communication skills,

People who opened their communication channels, also have incredible listening skills, and have powerful human skills.

Keep pushing During Hard Times!

These are the people who are sort after, during hard times,

These are the people who are trusted and are listened to.

Young people, how great it is that you become such people?

Surprised and happiness
Happiness mood

How good that you become the one people give attention to, their trust and the one that highly sorts after, they also hold you in high esteem. ( The go-to person when people need to be impacted positively, because you possess abundant knowledge to impact the world, bringing with it, growth and human development).


There has never been an opportune time for people to start being impactful than now. If you start now, surely, you will reap the fruits of your toil tomorrow. ‘Make the hay while the sun shines’, the saying goes.


How do you reach the pinnacle, accomplish your ultimate dream for humanity and personal development? What kind of leadership should be put in place?

By applying the knowledge, expertise to one’s best ability, and having firm belief systems, proven that they work. Harnessing one’s creative thinking and growing it by studying, learning new ways of doing things, will work best in one’s favor.

Have Unshakable faith in Your Dream!

To have unshakable faith in the pursuit of your dream, backed by positive thinking. It will help in a process if you seek mentorship programs, to tap into the knowledge of the ones who came before us. And you accomplish that by being a dedicated learner, and it’s also true that when a student is ready a teacher shows up.

You engage in mentorship by visiting houses that store knowledge you’re after, libraries, seminars, museums, etc. Most importantly, you track down the people who walked the path, to seek guidance. All this requires a high level of discipline, to follow through, and there are no short cuts.


To be a thinker, leader, and overall impactful person, you need to work exceptionally harder than the average person, be willing to solve expensive problems, and walk the narrow path.

There are already tons of people who have chosen the easy way, but, the difference with these people and the ones who take time to craft their journey and become experts in the process, is that the reward is minuscule for the former and the latter enjoy immense success as a result of their expertise. They are sort after and opportunities come their way.

So, be the odd one out, the champion. The one who swim the icy waters to the finish line. This won’t be easy given the distractors in various forms, however, this is an ultimate test to find out how bad one wants to succeed in life.

During Hard Times
Try to overcome hard times with desperation


To turn a deaf ear to the noise, the negativity that aims to dwarf your ambitions, you need to be uncompromising, audacious in your journey to becoming an expert.

Remember, life will not always be positive, consider pushing yourself up during hard times. Give rise to opportunities behind you. Keep moving and success will be the results.

(Basotho), in the height of Corona Virus, the plague that is so vicious, many have succumbed their lives to it, and it continues to threaten all human life. Given preventive measures, it’s only wise that we follow and adhere to the lockdown rules.