8 Unique Habits of Highly Productive People

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habits of highly productive people

8 Unique Habits of Highly Productive People

Picture showing habits of highly productive people

The learning habits of highly productive people can play an integral role in business success. The seven habits of highly effective people provided by Franklin Covey can aid in your productivity.
Those who are getting more done than you don’t have 48 hours in their day or 13 months in a year. People who are highly productive tend to consistently give everything a shot.
They’ve just learned to imbibe certain habits daily and to much greater effect.
Hear me out: habits make men

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If you must become highly productive, you need to learn to cultivate some unique habits. Today, I want to share with you The Top 8 Unique Habits of Highly Productive People.

These same habits are what I’ve learned and developed over the years.

What are The Top 8 Unique Habits of Highly Productive People?

 1. They’ve learned to focus on the Most Important Task

Productive People have learned over the years to focus on the most important task.

Make a list of things you want to get done. Set them out by priority. Take one at a time as you work on crushing them.

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Nothing is as important as having a list of prioritized goals.

Focus on the things that will bring you immediate results. Ignore things that just eat up your time with unproductiveness.

Things Worth Prioritizing In Life

  • Sleep and rest:

Yes, how much time do you spend sleeping in a day? Think about it.

  • Health and Fitness:

Your health is also Worth Prioritizing. How much time and attention do you intend to put into getting really fit daily? Consider these things.

  • Friends, family, and relationships:

These are vital areas I can’t stress enough. Productive People Spend more than enough time getting stuff done.

But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t give their family attention. An individual who really what to get the best from life must set aside some quality time and spend it with his family.

When it comes to priority, you should place importance over urgency. Eliminate non-priority tasks!

Focus on the most important stuff and give less attention to the less or not urgent stuff.

This, I believe, is the best way to get productive.  By Learning, to Focus on the Most Important Task.

See This: 10 Daily Habits That Changed My Life Forever

2. They Use the 80/20 Rule:

There are two types of work out there.

Generally speaking 80% of your TIME should be spent on one of the most urgent stuff, and 20% on the less important other.

The problem?

Most people get the two flipped and spend too much time doing the less important stuff. If you really want to be productive, you must learn to abide by this rule 80/20 Rule.

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What’s this rule all about?

It’s all about the results that 20% of the work you do brings. Focus on the 20% work that will bring you 80% of the results you desire.

3. They Control Their Time:

habits of highly productive people

“If you control your time, you control your life” – Alan Lakein (1973)

Time is the greatest asset we all have in the universe. Some use it well; others use it foolishly and wonder how it disappears.

Productive People are people who have learned to control their time. They’ve carefully chosen what they spend each hour of their day doing. What they spend each minute on. These are little but important aspects you should consider if you want to be productive.

What do you spend each day doing?

How well are you using your time?

Think about this!

4. That Set Realistic Goals:

It is not enough to set goals. Are your goals realistic? Are they achievable? One unique habits of highly productive people are their ability to set realistic goals.

Listen, a clearly defined goal gives you clarity and a sense of purpose. Not just that, it gives you a sense of direction and how well you use every single second.

Want to be more productive? Then decide what exactly you want and program your time around it.

Look at your life in such areas as finance, career, spiritual, social, health and community, or cultural, and develop smarter objectives for each.

Whatever goals you set must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and attainable. You must also evaluate and review your goals regularly to check whether you are still on track.

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5. They plan and organize their schedules:

How do I know? It’s simply because I do it. No day goes by without me planning how the next day will go. I’ve developed the habit of always writing down my goals; plan my schedule for the next day.

This is one way to be super productive. It helps! Try it; you’ll be glad you did.

6. They’ve learned to Put First Things First:

Unique habits of highly productive people

Productivity is all about putting first things first. Having the Discipline  to do things ordinary people can’t be able to do is what separates the unproductive front from the Productive

A productive person has the habit of doing things unproductive and time wasters don’t like to do.

If you want to be like productive people, then always put first things first. Do what you should do when you should do it whether you feel like it.

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7. They Create To-Do List:

I call it an accountability partner. Yes, until you begin to see your to-do list as such, you might not get anything done.

I have a daily ‘To Do list’

This consists of things I want to do the previous. Want to be super productive? Then ensure you have a weekly, monthly, and yearly ‘To Do List.

It helps. I’m a testimony. You can either use a diary/calendar or you could combine the two.

8. They Read Great Books:

The Importance of reading and how it helps can’t be overemphasized. The truth is reading enlightens, broadens, and educates individuals to make better decisions.

Books are a great resource for ideas, thoroughly put together by a brilliant author for you to assimilate. Why aren’t you taking advantage of this amazing resource?

I’m Anago Felix,

Content Writer, Copy Writer, and Online Business Consultant.

I help small business owners grow their businesses, and I also help them write copies that Convert.

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By SuccessEra

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