6 Techniques on How to Make Him Fall in Love Again After Breakup

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How to Make Him Fall in Love Again After A Breakup

Make him fall in love again
Make him fall in love again

Before you break up with someone, there is a deliberate or unconscious attitude that caused that to happen. You may not know, it just happens in a day but it took your man some time before taking that action.

You may be in pain after such an abrupt breakup but there is a chance of getting your man back in the shortest possible time. It may seem impossible for you when the idea of making him fall in love again with you.

Before I start sharing the techniques of winning his heart again after the breakup, focus and think of what probably caused that breakup.

I will be sharing with you great tips on getting him back but to get a lasting relationship, I recommend you have another strategy.

There are a few reasons men fall in love with a lady no matter the time and place

If you want to get a second chance with your ex, there are certain things to do and one to avoid building his desires of him again for you. You know what? He found a problem with you that you never knew, correct them now.

Let me share some facts with you before the steps of getting him back to love.

  • You have a massive advantage to get him back: the reality is that he ever loved you based on certain features you have which still exist; you can still improve on them to get him back.

This is great news for you because you and your guy are still compatible to be in a relationship.  You have an advantage over anybody if you only want him back.

  • Scientifically, you can be attracted back to him based on your self-discipline. Use the positive things you ever had together, trust me it will take you a few days or months to get him back.
  • Also, be mindful that attraction is not a choice but nature. Your man can get attracted to you again not by choice but naturally when you do the necessary things to get him back.

Don’t be trapped to call him back to get in love with you because it will never work in your favor but will rather bounce.  In fact, it will make matters worse and will make him even less attracts to you.

I have studied several scientific ways to get him back and most importantly it will make him crawl back in love with you. I have to share it here with you to regain happiness.

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Because he gave a silly comment to break up with you such as “with the new job I can’t afford to be in a relationship with you” or “I want to hold on to the relationship, for now, be strong enough to get him back.

Follow these workable techniques to get make him fall in love again with you after the breakup that almost brought you down.

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1. Never Be Worried Of How Things Ended

Make Him fall in love again
Make Him fall in love again

Sometimes we get into some issues to learn new things. Don’t be worried about how it ended. If it was your fault find a way of solving the problem.

Don’t be blaming yourself.  We learn from the existing happenings. You don’t have to start thinking of the faults. Never turn into a drunkard or any related.

How do you want it to end? Catching him with another lady? You have gotten it that way. Move on for now and appreciate the future.

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2. Leave Him to Go For Now

let him go for now
Make him fall in love again

It may be a surprise to hear this but he has completely lost his feelings for you at this moment. The best solution to this effect is to let him go for now at least to some extent.

Trying to say something may worsen things as long as he made up his mind. If you try to say something to change his mind, am afraid it will backfire. At this point, don’t plead, don’t even beg, never apologize, and don’t send him gifts, no text whatsoever.

I will rather advise you to accept reality. You cannot do anything at all for now than to let him go. It is the most difficult thing to do now but it should be your first step if you really want to get him back.

This is also the time to implement the no-contact technique; by avoiding calling him, texting him, or visiting him to beg for at least 30 days. During this period, focus on self-development to help change your status quo.

Be a happy person and build more social networks with friends and families. To effectively implement the no-contact technique, find out from other mediums like YouTube or google to understand more.

During the period of no contact, let your man know others are chasing you. That can be known by sharing photos of you with other guys being so happy. Other men may not be perturbed by that so you can either ignore social media for a while.

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I am trying to allow you to understand that this will make him chase you psychologically. Give him a gap when that happens to your relationship. Doing this is likely to make him fall in love again.

3. Reset Your Mind

Reset your mind
Reset your mind to make him fall in love again

To make him fall in love again after the breakup is to reset your mind of him totally. He is already having negative mental thinking about you so focus on yourself not him.

Immediately after your break up, your ex thinks of you as a past friend rather than as part of his future. Yours is to wipe him out of your mind by being more confident and independent for a while.

This may sound silly to you but the moment your subconscious mind is reset, you will have the new you. You will begin to witness positive thoughts about yourself that will eventually push him to fall for you.

4. Time to Getting Self-Attraction

Self attraction to make him fall in love again
Self-attraction to make him fall in love again

After following the step 2 technique of resetting your mental ability, your ex will see you as a new person than how he met you before.  Immediately he sees you as a new you, and all the negative thoughts about you will start to fade away.

I said earlier that, the attraction is not determined but built which may not be easily controlled. Your man will fall back on you as the natural attraction increases. The love may even be far better than in the beginning.

Look healthier by engaging in small exercises that will make you more attractive. Probably he left you because of your body shape; plant the seed of attraction before he sees you.

If you don’t know how to build self-attraction, then check on this expert advice to make him yours forever. Yours is to focus on the techniques one after the other to make him fall in love again after a breakup.

Read: Why Some Beautiful Relationship Turns Into Violent Always

5. The ecstasy of Love Stage

This is the greatest stage for you. Your self-discipline has taken you far and matured manner. Your seed has been nurtured very well so get ready for the harvest.

Your self-control is fully executed except for the positive outcome you have been waiting for. At this period, he may start to send you text messages from time to time.

Now be warned, and don’t be too desperate to get him back because it may explode and eventually collapse all that you worked for. Know how to handle his chat when he first contacts you. Act maturely by hiding your agenda to have him back.

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Never let your intention be known to him but let him feel friendship. If you also decide to send him a message, let it be motivational and not actually love issues.

Send a few messages like

  • Putting things back as they were is only meant for strategic men like you
  • Remembered the good day you bought me chocolate
  • Precious men are not bought but gifted by god(s)
  • Your motivation, and your emotions, are always in my mind.
  • The teeth and the tongue settle their dispute after a misunderstanding. We can make changes to ours at due time.
  • Better men are scarce because of their value.
  • Don’t give a special place to someone in your heart as I stand for that.

Don’t also make this mistake by not finding out whether he has gone ahead to marry someone after he broke up with you. Don’t unite with someone who has given his heart to someone different. He may disappoint you again.

At the ecstasy stage, you’ll definitely know all before you plan the next stage to finally unite with him again. The next stage is impossible if you have not yet activated your communication with him.

Make sure you have good communication with him as you reestablished your communication. Never let him see you in a desperate mood. Be focused to get him back.

6. Physical Meeting Required

Make him fall in love again
Make him fall in love again

As long as you’ve built good contact with your man, you can request a physical meeting with him. This is not to request a date but a logical reason but not to reveal your intention of getting him back.

If you make a mistake by revealing your true intentions, you may destroy your plans. This is a great way to shift his way of feeling about you.

You need to pose just as a friend to this organized meeting. If he thinks that this is to get you, people, back together, he may oppose meeting you.

Make sure he doesn’t even think of the meeting as a date. Find a nice reason for him meeting you. There are millions of excuses that you can use to make him meet you physically.

To achieve this, find a reasonable way of getting him to meet you. You know what you want to play your game very well.

If you successfully meet him, make him remember the past by bringing out great things of the past. It sounds ridiculous, right? Try and build your lost attraction again during that meeting.

If you miss that opportunity, it may be difficult to get him again so make good use of your meeting. Don’t forget he is tired of your old lifestyle, make a difference.

Never get into anything that may destroy your meeting. Focus on positive things and discuss around that line. He left you because of a reason so prove him wrong and build his desires for you again during that meeting.

By SuccessEra

Focus on putting smiles on the faces of the masses with thrilling and accurate information.


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