18-Year-Old Girl Married to Identical Twin Brothers And Expecting A Child For Them

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18 Year Old Girl Married to Identical Twin Brothers and Expecting a Child for Them

18-Year-Old Girl Married to Identical Twin Brothers and Expecting a Child for Them

An 18-year-old Kenyan girl called Emily Nyaruiru is expecting her first child with identical twins she got married to and is not aware of whom the real father will be.

The 18-year-old lady said she is not sure who the father of her unborn child is but all her husbands could be responsible.  She chooses to marry both of them and they’re all happily married and living together in relationship.

Emily revealed in an interview that she enjoys making love with both of them and they all satisfy her well.

She debunked her critics for all the critics of her marriage based on religion and claimed that they were happy with the decision made.

Emily revealed that her family including her mother was not in support of her decision but later understood her choice. She insisted to her mother that the choice she made is the best. And she feels ok.

One of the twin brothers called Peter was the first to meet Emily but feels ok sharing her with his brother Teddy as a wife.

Peter said, “We have grown up together, we have done things together, there is that brotherly bond therefore I saw no issue with it.”

The brothers are happy also sharing one woman and explain they equally have happiness in doing that.

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When Peter was asked about sharing a woman with his brother, Teddy, he reacted calmly that he is ok with the choice made.

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Emily reacted happily that as she got to know all these brothers looking similar, she felt loved with all of them as husbands.

The twin brothers after living with their wife, Emily, for one year, said happily that they’re all ready to take responsibility for the child and their wife.

The twin brothers disclosed on local media that Emily called on a surprise date and showed them the pregnancy test, which excited them.

The two brothers are keenly waiting for the child to come as they will equally take responsibility as head of the family.

The 18-year-old girl married to identical twins is happily living together with no problems in the Eastern part of Africa, Kenya.

They also brought up that toward the beginning of their recently found love things were troublesome from acknowledgement among relatives to individuals from the general public and neighbours, but with time, the residue at long last settled and individuals regard their relationship.

By SuccessEra

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