10 Great Signs the No Contact Rule Is Working Perfectly

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10 Great Signs the No Contact Rule Is Working Perfectly

signs no contact rule is working


What is the no contact rule?

It is the period that determines to ignore contacting his or her ex right after the breakup in the relationship. It may take up to 30 days of going out of silence depending on one’s choice of no contact.

There are certain great signs the no contact rule is working on your ex after he leaves you horribly. We are going to go deep into it and the main reason why you did the right thing.

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1. Your Ex Try to reach you

signs no contact rule is working

The no contact rule depends on what you determine for yourself. Some may choose 21days, 30days, or 45days. Within that time frame, your ex tries their best to reach you on the phone, your social channels, friends, or probably your parents.

It is a good signs the no contact rule is working to bring him back. The no contact rule utilizes a psychological theory called ‘reactance’. And it basically states what we do not like when our behavior or freedom is taken away. The no contact rule basically tells you to ignore your ex for a specific time frame.

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You are to stay calm if your ex is trying to reach you in a variety of ways. He may try to call you, text you, get hold of you on WhatsApp, or probably on Facebook.

Don’t be surprised because I have witnessed several ways ex’s try to reach out to their partners. If you know your ex is doing this consistently, and then knows it is having a positive effect.

2. Your Ex Put a Post on Social Media Aiming at You

Your ex tries all his best to put a post on social media that seems to aim at you. You may not understand but they are obviously aiming at you in their post. But I don’t necessarily encourage you to check their social media.

It is not surprising to see their post referring to you because they missed your true nature and faithfulness.  They do this expecting you to reach out at some point for you to be together. Don’t try to do that at all. It is part of the signs the no contact rule is working to your benefit.

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3. They hang out in Places Where You Hang out With Your Friends

signs contact rule is working

They do this to catch your attention on what they’re missing. That may not be their usual hang-out place but because of you, they want to be there as well.

They are tracking all your movements to find any way to make it back with you. They will appear there neatly dressed for you to see them attractive again.

4. They start to contact Family and Friends

This happened to a friend I know when she followed the no contact rule. She just received calls from family and close friends on what the ex was saying.

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If your ex starts contacting your families and friends then know something positive is yielding out from your no contact rule.

5. They usually Text the Water

Because you don’t contact them, they feel bad, weak, and frustrated. These are signs the no contact rule is working is he will be the first to call or chat with you.

He tries to see whether you will respond to him or not. He will test waters to see how you are feeling after the harm caused to you as a breakup. It is a choice to answer or not but I will tell you not to respond immediately.

6. Your Feel Empowered

What are you feeling about yourself after the no contact rule? Upon the self-relieved, you have to feel better about yourself after the no contact started.

The no contact rule is not for your ex only but also better for you to have your personal satisfaction. After that process, you feel better, healthier, and fully empowered.

7. You Love the Time You Have For Yourself

signs no contact rule is working

The no contact rule has two coin effects and one is that it will make your ex miss you and the other is that it makes you get time for yourself. Within the first experience of a breakup, you will go through depression, anger, bargaining, acceptance, and probably denials.

The no contact rule is the perfect time to get you out of all those stages mentioned. It is the perfect time to grieve properly and reshape your life to how you wanted it to be. At this moment you are dating yourself, taking absolute control of your personal affairs. That is a great sign the no contact rule is working well in your favor.

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8. You Get Attracted to Others

It is more of a symptom of the no contact rule. People start to see you as attractive since you departed from your relationship. You no more stress yourself on certain issues.

You have to create a fear of loss by letting your ex know you have other people who are equally like you. Signs the no contact rule is working well is seeing yourself admired by others who weren’t given you that attention.

9. You feel Relieved

There used to be a time that you hardly do away with your ex when you don’t hear from him during the day. It is now obvious you can do away with him and still feel ok. That’s self-improvement and reliability that shows signs the no contact rule is working when the relationship ended.

Some of the great signs the no contact rule is working in your favor is the ability to do away with long calls, long chats, and relationship queries. It has great joy and self-satisfaction as long as you do things without him.

What is the prime indication of self-relieved?

You are no more the person who is under pressure to answer certain questions if his call is not answered.

You receive no messages on who was posted on your social media page.

You can sleep at any time and wake up in the comfort of your own.

You can freely express yourself without compromising anything in a relationship.

10. Healing effects

The signs of no contact rule is working as the sign of the gift of healing. There are many people who are in a toxic relationship but aren’t aware of what seems to be toxic.

The moment that gene is broken and you find yourself in another atmosphere is where you genuinely feel that particular toxic effect. You get a sense of emotional healing from the previous relationship.

At the moment you may not feel it but as time passes by and days surpass, you feel free from the bondage of complaints and other negative issues.

You don’t need to worry if only you probably need your ex back as well, the law of attraction will do it best in your favor. You have the secret now of the signs the no contact rule is working effectively when all these happen.












By SuccessEra

Focus on putting smiles on the faces of the masses with thrilling and accurate information.

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